Municipality of Naga has an approximate total land area of twenty- four thousand six hundred thirty (24,630) hectares, of this 99.56% (24,527.013 hectares) considered as rural and the remaining 0.44% (108.2987 hectares being classified as urban, comprises the barangay Poblacion. It occupies 6.827% of the total land area of Zamboanga Sibugay (360,775 hectares). The 24,630 hectares was distributed among its twenty-three barangays. This total number of hectares is based on the record of the Land Evaluation Party, Forestry Management Services, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Regional Office IX, Zamboanga City. The twenty-three (23) barangays within the jurisdiction of the municipality with their corresponding land area reflected as follows:


Poblacion 108.2987
Aguinaldo 171.1924
Baga 574.8518
Baluno 581.4204
Bangkaw-bangkaw 297.3406
Cabong 148.0533
Crossing Sta. Clara 562.6828
Gubawang 146.7301
Guintoloan 466.7490
Kaliantana 85.6743
La Paz 437.4864
Lower Sulitan 462.8846
Mamagon 763.2023
Marsolo 3,430.8831
San Isidro 654.8704
Sta. Clara 4,805.2783
Sulo 1,677.8473
Sandayong 2,122.7968
Tambanan 4,465.4943
Taytay Manubo 17.7748
Tipan 1,516.2087
Tilubog 572.2300
Upper Sulitan 560.0496
TOTAL 24,630.00 hectares



Land Uses Hectares Percentages
Agricultural Area 12.08 49.03
Forest Area 3,225.00 13.10
Mangrove and swamp area 3,600.00 14.62
Alienable/Disposable 69.00 0.28
Residential/Built-up areas 5,000.00 20.30
Tourism 10.00 0.04
Commercial 30.00 0.12
Institutional 55.00 0.22
Industrial 45.00 0.18
Infrastructure 500.00 2.03
Open Space Strip 20.00 0.08
Total 24,630.00 100 %


Urban Land Use Hectares
Commercial 10.717
Institutional 8.000
Residential 50.455
Open Space 6.640
Roads 6.605
Agricultural 25.882
Total 108.299